Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Octopus Prime

So, on Sunday night I learned a few things about Lisbon.

First of all, if you need any drugs - hard or soft - you need only to grow a beard and walk around downtown Lisbon. If you follow those simple instructions you will be asked to purchase cocaina or hash every 100 feet. It's pretty amusing. I don't believe it is legal here, but they seem to be more liberal about it than any place in America - besides a Grateful Dead concert.

The second thing I learned is not to order anything based on the picture in a menu - if that picture was taken from 8 feet above the food. That's what I did and it was a huge mistake. I was with Denise and a couple of other people. We all agreed that the dish - of what seemed to be some type of jumbalaya - looked tasty. So I went for it.

One-by-one the we all got our food. Denise, Luke and Cassidy (not sure if I'm spelling that correctly) all got similar items - grilled meat on a stick with French fries. It all looked good to me. Then my jumbalya came... I belive the name on the menu was something like "alcovoljdf ljdfdljk" ... yeah, something like that.

The waiter put it down in front of me, and well... It wasn't jumbalaya. It was brown rice and octopus... and other various unidentifiable pieces of seafood. It was octopus stew --- otherwise known as "chum" or "shark bait"... I would imagine the waiters were inside laughing their asses off...

"I can't believe he ordered that - stupid Americans. I'm giong to charge them double."

So, here it is:

Ok, that is it for now. Tomorrow I'll have more things I've learned about Portugal... Including the proper way to go up or down stairs...